63 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1841

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The Inescapability of the Past

Content Warning: This section features discussions of ableism, religious intolerance and bigotry, and emotional abuse.

A theme Dickens returns to frequently in Barnaby Rudge is the impossibility of escaping the past—this is especially important as Barnaby Rudge is a historical novel. The novel is full of repeating stories—fathers wanting sons to follow in their footsteps; families and groups of people hating one another because of past disagreements—framed by one central story.

Chapter 33 jumps forward in the narrative exactly five years to the day from the beginning of the novel, which was also 22 years after Rueben Haredale’s murder. There are many parallels between Chapters 1 and 33, as if little has changed at the Maypole in the five years since March 19th, 1775, and it is stuck in the past. Though the framing story of the murder of Rueben Haredale has very little to do with the actual plot of the novel, it encapsulates the smaller narratives and ties them all together. The first part of Barnaby Rudge begins exactly 22 years after the murder, and the second part exactly five years after that.

Solomon Daisy’s tradition of repeating the story is interrupted both times by the stranger, whom Daisy believes to be a ghost in the 1780 chapters. The stranger, Barnaby Rudge Sr., repeats his own past throughout the novel, feeling drawn to the place where he murdered Rueben Haredale and feeling the immensity of the deed when he hears the bells ringing again at the Maypole. Barnaby Rudge Jr. is also unable to escape the past he barely knows of. It is said that Barnaby is born with a red birthmark on his wrist that looks like blood, representing the blood spilled by his father and namesake. His intellectual disability is also blamed on his father’s actions and his adult life is referred to as “[h]is older childhood” (254), suggesting another repeating of the past.

On a broader scale, Dickens is repeating the past by retelling the story of the Gordon Riots, which occurred 60 years prior to Barnaby Rudge’s publication. In his retelling, Dickens puts his contemporary audience in the place of those who experienced the riots, showing their emotions and rationale to make the experience more believable. The time in which the novel was written was not free of its own political and religious turmoil, and by highlighting the cyclical and inescapable nature of the past, Dickens shows how the past is not as far from the present as one may believe.

Childhood Versus Adulthood

Several young characters and their parents in Barnaby Rudge struggle with what it means to be an adult. Dolly, Joe, Emma, Edward, and Barnaby all begin the novel in their late teens and twenties, yet each of them faces distinct challenges with being perceived as an adult, either due to their actions, the beliefs of their guardians, or, in Barnaby’s case, his intellectual disability.

Although Dolly’s age is not specified, her actions are often compared to those of “a spoilt child” (321). At the beginning of the novel, Dolly’s actions are often naive and selfish, warranting this description, but her growth throughout the novel is evident through her emotional maturation. Dolly’s character arc shows her growing out of childish, self-centered views through learning to recognize her own feelings and responsibilities—above all, her love for Joe—and finding the humility to admit her mistakes and correct them. She secures her happy ending at the novel’s end by forgoing her former whims as a “coquette,” instead embracing a mutual relationship with Joe as a mature, reliable woman.

Joe is emotionally abused by his father, who not only belittles him in front of his friends but encourages others to see Joe as a child. When he runs away from the Maypole, Old John puts out a reward for Joe, whom he calls a “young boy” and portrays as someone much younger and smaller than he actually is. Though Joe has been an adult for years and others like Gabriel perceive him as such, his father refuses to accept this. In order to assert his adulthood and come into his own, Joe must separate himself from his father and hometown, engaging in acts of heroism and self-determination abroad before returning in triumph, which in turn forces his father to recognize his son’s maturity and worth.

Emma and Edward face similar difficulties to Joe. Emma has dealt with trauma since the death of her father and is recognized as a young woman of substance by others, such as when her captors amidst the rioters learn to respect her: “[T]here was not a man among them but held her in some degree of dread” (711). Nevertheless, Haredale still does not allow her to have her own choice when it comes to the man she wants to marry. Sir John meddles with Edward’s life even further, establishing firm expectations for whom he should marry and not allowing him to make his own decisions as an adult would. Emma and Edward must thus face the necessity of defying their father figures to forge the life they wish to have together, which they succeed in doing at the novel’s close through their marriage.

Barnaby, who is 22 at the beginning of the novel, is considered a child not only by his mother but by nearly everyone else around him, even after the narrative skips forward five years. After describing Barnaby’s youth, the narrator refers to his adulthood as “[h]is older childhood” and that, in growing into a man and retaining his intellectual disability, “his childhood was complete and lasting” (254). Like the other young characters, the fact that Barnaby is an adult is ignored yet, unlike them, this is specifically due to the stereotypes associated with his intellectual disability. There is, however, always more to Barnaby’s capabilities than meets the eye: Some characters, such as his mother, recognize that Barnaby can observe and comment upon things in a way that shows insight and wisdom. When Barnaby joins the riots, he does so because he knows of his mother’s financial troubles and is trying to find some way to gain money, revealing his sense of agency and responsibility. While his situation has not changed as much as the other young peoples’ at the novel’s close, his insights and his acts of self-determination reinforce the idea that the young are usually far more capable and worthy of respect than their elders might admit.

Action Versus Intent

Dickens addresses several questions regarding justice and who deserves it throughout the novel, especially once the riots reach their peak. One idea he explores through the character of Barnaby in particular is whether action or intent matters more in terms of what is just and moral.

Barnaby unintentionally becomes one of the ringleaders of the riots, injuring several members of the militia and setting fire to a church, along with aiding others in even more sinister deeds. He does this all under the belief that he is working for a greater cause and protecting Lord George Gordon from those who would do him harm, not knowing the true reasons behind the protest. Though Barnaby does bad deeds throughout the riots, he does so with good intentions unlike Hugh, Dennis, Sim, and the other rioters.

Barnaby escapes to the country at a key point in the riots, just after the mob reaches its peak power once it burns down Newgate Prison. When Barnaby returns to London the following day, the narrator writes that, “it seemed peopled by a legion of devils […] were THEY the good lord’s noble cause?” (684). Barnaby only recognizes the horrors of the riot when “not being an actor in the terrible spectacle” (684) he can observe it with more detachment and objectivity, and when he does so, he is so sickened by it that he is convinced he must take his friend Hugh out of the action.

Despite his status as a figurehead of the riots, Barnaby is saved from hanging at the last minute by his friends, who use all of their means to prove that Barnaby should be set free. Once his friends make it “not only to the judge and jury who had tried him, but to men of influence at court, to the young Prince of Wales, and even to the ante-chamber of the King himself,” they are “Successful, at last, in awakening an interest in his favour, and an inclination to inquire more dispassionately into his case” (796). However, Barnaby’s friends are not attempting to prove his innocence in fact, but by convincing the government to consider other factors of Barnaby’s involvement: Namely, the fact that his intellectual disability was taken advantage of, and that Barnaby’s own intentions were good. Though this somewhat black- and-white portrayal of those with intellectual disabilities as inherently pure and innocent reinforces one of many stereotypes Dickens uses to characterize Barnaby, it also shows how he ultimately implies that, in administering justice, intention is more important than action.