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C. S. LewisA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Weston speaks to the woman in Old Solar, but she cannot understand his meaning. She asks Ransom if Weston will be joining them. Ransom says Weston will not and tries to escape with her. Weston pulls out a revolver and threatens Ransom. Weston allows the woman to leave and then accuses Ransom of trying to seduce her. He denies this and demands that Weston do whatever evil he came to do quickly. Weston puts his pistol away and tries to show that the Malacandra incident was a misunderstanding. The two of them pull Weston’s boat in and unpack. Once they set up camp, Weston explains that he only wants to explore space in order to help humanity. He argues thatsince their meeting on Malacandra, he has gained a sense of spiritual purpose, considering himself the greatest scientist of all, created for the purpose of furthering God’s wants. They argue about the purpose of Spirit and duality of good and evil. Weston claims he learned Old Solar by guidance from this Spirit toward his central purpose. He claims that the “evil” actions he takes are necessary to accomplish righteous purposes. When Ransom thinks he’s finally found a connecting point between himself and Weston, Weston lashes out and claims that he, himself, is the entire universe. Weston then has a spasm and seems to break from a spell before collapsing and bleeding from the mouth. Ransom takes his revolver and throws it into the sea. He moves around the Fixed Land as it gets dark and returns, unable to find Weston. He lies down to sleep, finding it extremely uncomfortable and wishing that he’d never found it.
In the morning, Ransom awakens, feeling hungry and thirsty in a way he hasn’t since coming to Perelandra. He can’t find Weston and he sees that the punt is gone and some of the supply boxes have been left behind. He begins exploring the island, looking for food, and finds that the food is less satisfactory and the animals less highly-reasoning. Later in the day, he sits on the shore and sees one of the fish. He wonders if he can ride it and if it was sent for him. He climbs on its back and the fish takes him out to sea. Ransom travels to an area where many sea creatures have gathered, including what look like mermen and mermaids. He ends up on another island, where he falls asleep. He awakens to a man and woman speaking in the darkness. It is Weston and the woman. Weston tries to make her accept that she doesn’t need Maleldil’s guidance because he and Ransom have already taught her so much that she is now wiser than the King. Ransom realizes that something has changed about Weston, that he is not himself. As the conversation finishes and silence comes, Ransom wonders if he was simply sent to Perelandra as a spectator. He soon falls asleep.
Lewis uses Weston to critique ego-based interpretation of religion. As he tells Ransom, “I’m being guided. I know now that I am the greatest scientist the world has yet produced. I’ve been made so for a purpose” (80). This desire to be validated leads Weston to believe that he is not only “guided” and “chosen,” but that he is “The Universe. I, Weston, am your God and your Devil” (82). Weston, an atheist, accepts a higher power only if it serves him. We also see this in his definition of stories, explaining to the woman, “The world is made up not only of what is but of what might be” (89). He tells her this in an attempt to make her imagine a way around Maleldil’s commands. Lewis, casting Weston as Satan, argues that this interpretation of the purpose of stories leads away from our true purpose. Weston further tempts the woman by suggesting that Maleldil wants her to be wiser, to grow beyond the confines of his rules and the knowledge of the King. He says, “Would he not love you more if you were wiser than he?” (90). Lewis seems also to be critiquing the practice of over-analyzing God, as Weston never stops trying different approaches to change the woman’s mind.
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