56 pages 1 hour read

Vera Brittain

Testament of Youth

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 1933

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Chapters 6-9 Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “‘When the Vision Dies…’”

Brittain is devastated by Roland’s death, and many of her memories from this time reflect her fragmented grief, but bit by bit, the situation becomes clearer to her. She learns from other soldiers and from his colonel more about the circumstances around Roland’s death: on a night lit by a nearly full moon, before sending men to repair some wiring in front of some new trenches, Roland ventured into No Man’s Land to examine the condition of the wire himself. During this solitary expedition, he was shot in the stomach by an enemy machine gun. Abdominal surgery was unsuccessful; pain medication enabled him to die in minimal discomfort. Before his death, Roland received last rites from a Catholic priest who “unknown to us all, had received him in the Catholic church earlier that summer” (216). Brittain learns that in his last hours, Roland mentioned to nobody that he was coming home to see his fiancée or his mother. Edward now becomes the person of whom Brittain thinks about the most, and he and Victor grieve the loss of Roland, reminding Brittain that they were friends well before she became his fiancée. 

In January 1916, at the end of her leave, Brittain returns to her living quarters in Camberwell to find that Betty has left her flowers. The Matron instructs Brittain to work the night shift in a series of unfamiliar wards, but soon she offers Brittain the opportunity to be restored to her previous role as a day-duty nurse alongside Betty. Brittain refuses, to her regret, stubbornly choosing the more difficult option to match the hardship of her grief. Brittain receives condolences from many friends and acquaintances, and the two letters that mean the most to her are from her English tutor at Oxford and from Geoffrey Thurlow, a friend of Edward’s from his training days. In her grief and the demanding circumstances of her new role, Brittain grows to despise her work in Camberwell. Her unhappiness deepens with every well-intended reminder that time will heal, and Brittain rejects the efforts of everyone except Edward and Victor to keep her company. 

Alone, she reads and writes, and on Sundays, she goes to the nearby Catholic church. Brittain is tempted to convert in Roland’s honor, but she is “temperamentally too much of an agnostic” (221). Books and poetry give her comfort, as well as the friendship and company of Victor, whose bout with meningitis means he is on light duty and often able to take leave. Brittain spends time with Roland’s family in Keymer, Sussex whenever she is able to leave London, and one day, Roland’s clothing is returned to his family. The uniform in which he was shot is blood-soaked and muddy, and Roland’s mother cannot bear its presence. Amongst his personal items appears a small notebook containing Roland’s poetry.

In February 1916, Brittain returns to day-duty only to learn that Edward is soon leaving for France. His letters from the trenches provoke anxiety in Brittain, whose work suffers as a result, but the Matrons are patient upon learning the reasons behind Brittain’s distractibility. Geoffrey’s name appears on the list of wounded men in the newspaper, and when Brittain goes to find him on her next free afternoon, she finds him shell-shocked and wounded in the face. He speaks openly with Brittain of his fear and his ill-suitedness to war, and Brittain writes to Edward of Geoffrey’s sensitive temperament and her concern for him should he have to return to France after his allotted six months of light duty. At this point, Brittain determines that her intentions to return to Somerville are no longer viable. In March 1916, Brittain goes to Oxford to tell the Principal of her college of her decision and then she puts her name down for foreign service hoping that her orders “might be for anywhere but a hospital ship or the Mediterranean” (234), both of which place her too near to her great fear of death by enemy submarines. 

Brittain recalls a minor conflict with her parents that marks the “final and worst stage of my refusal to be reconciled to my world after the loss of Roland” (234). After this episode, she descends into a state of despair and self-loathing. Brittain grows anxious and indecisive about her future, and she soon succumbs to a case of German measles and is sent to a Fever Hospital. Her case is not serious, but it does enable her to rest and convalesce, and during her three weeks’ respite from work, she receives numerous letters from Edward, Victor, and Geoffrey. One letter from Edward, still in the trenches, describes a visit he was able to make to Louvencourt, where Roland is buried. During this period in the Fever Hospital, Brittain begins writing poetry, “a new impulse which had recently begun both to fascinate and torment me” (240) and her poem “May Morning” is published in the Oxford Magazine the following month. 

When Brittain is discharged from the Fever Hospital, she spends two weeks with her parents in Macclesfield where they are renting a house, and then returns to London. Edward comes home on leave for a few days, and he and Brittain and their mother spend two days together in London, during which they read news of Kitchener’s death by drowning. Brittain and Edward part ways on the day Edward must return to France. A letter soon arrives from Edward announcing that an attack is sure to take place soon, and as June comes to a close, “the hospital received orders to clear out all convalescents and prepare for a great rush of wounded” (246). The British offensive now remembered as the Battle of the Somme is fierce and constant; Brittain receives a short note from Edward telling her he has been wounded in the arm and the thigh. Brittain, Betty, and all the V.A.D.s work tirelessly, and Brittain takes comfort in the fact that “Edward was safe and Victor and Geoffrey were still in England” (253). 

On the morning of July 5, 1916, Brittain learns that Edward is in a ward in her own hospital in Camberwell. She rushes to see him, and for the next few days, she is able to visit him briefly. From Edward, Brittain eventually learns how he received his wounds, and Brittain is shocked by what Edward tells her about his actions during the battle. Geoffrey, on the other hand, is not at all surprised, stating that he knows Edward to be “a stout fellow” (257). During his sick leave, Edward receives news that he has been awarded the Military Cross for bravery, an award that Brittain knows Roland desired. The rest of the summer passes, and early in September, Brittain and Betty receive their orders for foreign service in Malta. 

Chapter 7 Summary: “Tawny Island”

Brittain’s year in Malta is set against the backdrop of “the War’s worst period of miserable stagnation” (262). The year begins in Southampton, on the south coast of England, where Brittain and a group of nurses board a tender that transports them to H.M. Hospital Ship Britanic. The journey to Mudros—located in Greece, where the nurses destined for Malta will have to change ships—is comfortable though restrictive; the Sister-in-Charge puts rule after rule in place, prohibiting all activities that might be considered fun. Brittain’s intense fear of being at sea is moderated by her luxurious surroundings. The ship crosses the rough waters of the Bay of Biscay, traveling around Gibraltar and the southern cost of Spain; for ten days, the Britanic sails peacefully through the Mediterranean towards the islands of Greece. In the harbor of Mudros, Brittain reflects on the irony of her proximity to Rupert Brooke’s burial site on the Greek island of Skyros; she is much nearer to his final resting place than that of her beloved Roland. When the nurses move to the smaller ship called Galeka—which will transport them to St. George’s Bay in Malta, where St. George’s Hospital is located—they are required to reside in wards previously used by dysenteric soldiers. At least 16 V.A.D.s come down with a mysterious illness after this voyage, one that garners significant interest from the medical community and requires several weeks of convalescence. 

As Brittain settles into her new life in Malta, she begins to feel happy though she maintains a feeling of anxiety over Edward, Victor, and Geoffrey. She spends much of her time in the open air as the hospital is an ex-barracks, and the general expectations around work and dress are much more relaxed than in Camberwell. Brittain is pleased to receive additional training at times, an unusual occurrence in the career of a V.A.D. who is often the object of much jealousy from professional nurses threatened by the competent volunteers like Brittain herself. As fall transforms into winter, the rainy season commences, and “tremendous gales left the sea with a swept and garnished appearance which filled us with dread for the ships in the Mediterranean” (280). Worse than the storms are the many instances of submarine warfare that impact both daily life and work life in serious ways; the transport of letters, packages, and supplies are endangered while sailors and passengers aboard torpedoed ships sometimes overwhelm the hospital staff. News of the sinking of the Britannic in the Aegean Sea shocks Brittain and others who traveled with her from England. 

Brittain often receives letters from her uncle, who continues to work in the City of London, and he explains to Brittain that the delay in defeating the Germans is due to poor leadership. Consequently, a change in government is underway back home. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Lloyd George, spirits are lifting. As Christmas 1916 approaches, Brittain remembers Roland, and her diary entries at this time are full of musings regarding the changes she has faced in the past year since Roland’s death. A letter from Edward at this time demonstrates to her that she is not alone in her reflections, and Brittain writes back to Edward telling him of a marvelous shooting star that lit up the night sky on the night of December 23rd “at the very hour of [Roland’s] death” (290). 

Brittain’s optimism and appreciation for life deepens as the Maltese spring approaches. She is eating well, her work is light, and she has a lot of free time with which she can explore the island and enjoy the natural beauty of her surroundings. Brittain often finds herself alone as Betty prefers for a more active social life, but two older V.A.D.s who had also attended Oxford often keep her company on her long walks. Brittain notes a mild scandal that takes place in a tent in St. George’s Bay between a V.A.D. and a naval officer, but her own interest in the opposite sex is non-existent as she is still very much in love with Roland. 

Throughout the spring, Brittain continues to exchange frequent letters with Edward, Geoffrey, and Victor. One of Victor’s letters gives an account of his experience at the Battle of Arras; reports in the newspapers of great numbers of wounded offer “a universal uneasiness” (307), and Brittain worries for Victor’s safety. Soon she receives word from Edward that Victor has been seriously wounded and that if he survives, he will be blind. Brittain laments the condition of the three friends, one of whom, Roland, is dead, another blind, and the third, Edward, subjected to permanent arm injury. On April 23, 1917, news of Geoffrey’s death arrives via cable, and Brittain sits on the rocks on the shoreline in St. George’s Bay to mourn for several hours; during this meditation on life and death, she decides to leave Malta for England, in order to see Victor and marry him if he would like to be married to her. A month later, Brittain receives permission to return to England, but she must travel overland as a sea passage is too risky. Her journey through Italy and France by train is dramatic and beautiful at times, uncomfortable and exhausting at others. Brittain arrives to her parents’ rented flat in London, and after a bath, a meal, and a smoke with her parents, Brittain sleeps soundly, knowing that the following day, she is going to visit Victor in the hospital and see about a new possible phase in her life. 

When Brittain arrives to the London hospital, she sees Victor, bandaged around the head and “exploring a big book of braille” (323). He recognizes her voice immediately, and they talk all afternoon. Brittain is relieved to observe that for all his bad luck, Victor’s attitude is accepting. Edward comes to London for a weekend visit soon after Brittain arrives to London, and Brittain notices that “the death of Geoffrey and the blinding of Victor ha[s] changed him” (324). After Brittain has been in London for a week, Victor’s condition worsens suddenly, and the Matron of the hospital insists that Victor’s father and aunt come immediately. Victor dies soon after their arrival, and five days later, he is buried in Hove. 

Chapter 8 Summary: “Between the Sandhills and the Sea”

Edward returns to France at the end of June 1917, after Victor’s death, and he is dismayed to find himself back in action soon after his arrival. After an air raid in London, Brittain goes to find her uncle at his workplace in central London, and she finds him shaken but physically unscathed. Soon after the air raid, Brittain finds herself restless, and she seeks another foreign placement, this time in France so she can be nearer to Edward. In early August, Brittain sets sail for Boulogne and telegrams Edward to let him know she is in France. Brittain’s renewed readiness for “sacrifices and hardships as I had ever been in the early idealistic days” (336) enables her to continue thinking of the war in heroic terms. Brittain travels to Étaples, where the No. 24 General Hospital is located, and unpacks her belongings in the Alwyn hut she shares with another V.A.D., listening to the distant noise of guns. 

When Brittain begins work the next morning, she is shocked to learn she will be nursing German prisoners. Brittain’s experience with Germans is minimal, and she fears the worst having believed, on some level, the rumors of German atrocities against humanity. She follows the example of a Sister-in-Charge she calls Hope Milroy, who tends to the German patients with “determination and efficiency but never compassion” (342). Edward responds to Brittain’s descriptions of her work in a letter, agreeing that her responsibilities “show how absurd the whole thing is” (343). Brittain is moved from the German ward after only a few weeks.

Hope Milroy and Brittain become friends, and they take long walks together through the beautiful countryside. Together, alongside other members of the medical staff, they work tirelessly after the Battle of Ypres and Passchendaele, and Brittain learns that Edward “had been in the worst of the ‘strafe’ perpetually roaring around Passchendaele” (352). The rush of wounded men to Brittain’s hospital persists through September and into October, and at the end of October, Brittain receives a strange letter from Edward written in Latin. He is going to Italy with his battalion to provide reinforcement to the Italians, and Brittain feels as if her efforts in France are now pointless. When she is transferred to night-duty, her pessimism increases, to the point where she finds her mother’s written complaints of difficulties concerning her servants intolerable. Winter arrives with bitter cold and difficult memories of last Christmas. 

Edward reviews the previous year in a letter to Brittain on New Year’s Eve, lamenting the deaths of Geoffrey and Victor and the seeming endlessness of the war. Brittain’s own mindset is similarly negative, but she writes to her parents encouragingly, so that they might rise above their own dismal conditions. A letter from Edward mid-January requests Brittain to get leave so that they might meet at home in England; Brittain is successful in her request, but she falls ill, which compromises their short time together in London. Edward returns to Italy, and though her parents want Brittain to extend her leave due to her illness, she is too eager to “return from food-obsessed England to France” (369) so that she can do her part.

Brittain is posted to light duty, and her life as a V.A.D. resumes. Edward continues to write from Italy, describing the challenges he encounters. One evening, after Hope’s night-duty responsibilities are finished, Brittain and Hope spend a free half-day together; they walk to nearby Camiers, and on the way to Étaples in the semi-darkness, Brittain spots an uninhabited watch-tower that inspires a sense of terror. Her fear is realized in earnest when they return to their camp and find that “the great German offensive had begun” (373).

Brittain describes the days of the spring German offensive of 1918 in detail, and doubt exacerbates the stress of her dramatically heightened workload as the wounded pour into the hospital’s surgical ward. After two weeks, rumors of Germans in a nearby suburb terrify Brittain and her compatriots, and they worry that the nearness of the Germans indicate defeat. At three weeks of extreme strain and fear that the hospital will soon be bombed, signs of victory appear. Brittain sees a group of men marching on the main road, and she is struck by their “unusual quality of bold vigor” (384). One of the Sisters immediately recognizes them as Americans; Brittain’s relief at their presence causes her to break down and weep. 

In March, Brittain receives a letter from her father summoning her home to take care of her mother, who is now in a nursing home struggling with illness. Brittain is torn between her two opposing calls to duty, but she breaks her V.A.D. contract and says goodbye to her friends, feeling especially sad to leave Hope. On the train journey through France, Brittain notices that spring has arrived. 

Chapter 9 Summary: “‘This Loneliest Hour’”

Brittain arrives in London and goes straight to the nursing home in Harley Street in London to find her mother. She ensures that her father is settled in the flat in London before moving her mother home. Brittain spends the summer taking care of her mother and running the household. Her experience as a V.A.D. do not equip her for housekeeping. Worse, Brittain feels that the domestic work is squandering her hard-earned skills and her waning vitality, and she falls into a state of despair. News of the ruination of the Étaples hospitals makes her feel even more despondent, and she considers herself a traitor to her patients and to the other nurses she left behind. Brittain’s one consolation is the relative peace that seems to characterize Edward’s brief letters from Italy, but this sense of calm is shattered by news of an enemy offensive on the Italian front in mid-June. 

Brittain’s mother leaves London to visit Brittain’s grandmother and to benefit from a change of scenery, unaware of the news from the Italian front. Anxiety builds as Brittain and her father wait in London for word from Edward. A knock sounds on the door to the flat to indicate the delivery of a telegram, and as Brittain walks to answer it, she knows the telegram is announcing Edward’s death. 

That evening, after her uncle and her father have gone to bed, Brittain sits with the portrait of Edward hanging in the dining room. She weeps as she remembers his passion for music, marveling at “the last irony that he should have been killed by the countrymen of Fritz Kreisler, the violinist whom of all others he had most greatly admired” (401). Brittain and her parents receive scant information regarding the circumstances of Edward’s death, and she is not unsatisfied to know that he was shot by a sniper while gallantly leading his men during the offensive. Edward’s commanding officer was wounded during the offensive, so Brittain goes to find him at his hospital in London to learn more; he is reticent, but she persists in visiting him, sensing his explanation is incomplete. Eventually, Brittain accepts that she will never truly understand what happened during the counter-attack in Italy that took her brother’s life. 

The loss of Edward is harder on Brittain than the loss of Roland three years earlier, and she feels completely alone. The growing popularity of Spiritualism, séances, and mediums fail to reassure Brittain, who is certain that life after death is impossible. During a holiday with her parents to Cornwall a few weeks after they receive the telegram, Brittain begins writing a novel about her wartime experience, but she does nothing with the manuscript, full of “characters and places so easily recognizable” (409), at the advice of Roland’s father, a literary editor. Brittain decides to seek a third position as a V.A.D., but she learns that a new rule is in place that forbids V.A.D.s who have previously broken a contract to go abroad to serve; she finds herself in a civilian hospital in London she calls St. Jude’s. After years of military service, Brittain finds the tedium and the rigidity of civilian nursing oppressive; “unimaginative stupidities” (415) dominate her work hours. After a particularly infuriating run-in with a staff-nurse at St. Jude’s, Brittain decides to pay a visit to Queen Alexandra’s Military Hospital in Millbank, led by the Matron who granted her permission to work in France earlier in the year. As soon as a vacancy appears at Millbank, Brittain transfers to the military environment she much prefers. Brittain describes her hours at the hospital as a kind of sleep-walking; she is so distracted by her own grief and weary disillusion that news of victory on November 11, 1918, inspire dismay. Her world is so changed by the events of the war that she feels it no longer belongs to her.

Chapters 6-9 Analysis

In these chapters, Brittain loses all four men closest to her: first Roland, then Geoffrey and Victor, and finally, her brother Edward. After Roland dies, Brittain requests to go abroad to work as a V.A.D. nurse, a decision layered with potential meanings. Superficially, she must escape her home country of England in which she experienced the most significant pain of her young life. As well, because her brother Edward and her friends Victor and Geoffrey are going abroad to risk their lives in various situations, as a feminist, Brittain may feel she too must risk everything in order to match the war efforts of the men in her life. Another possible explanation involves a sort of survivor’s guilt; Roland is dead, and she is alive, so she must do everything she can to honor his memory, even face her greatest fears of traveling by hospital ship on submarine-infested Mediterranean waters. 

As each chapter passes and each young man dies, Brittain’s emotional world collapses bit by bit, until she is unrecognizable to herself when the war finally ends. Her year in Malta provides her with a brief respite from emotional turmoil, symbolized by the many flowers and plants she describes in Chapter 7, but even the peaceful days in the Mediterranean sun, surrounded by nature and beauty, cannot last. Brittain’s decision to break her contract in Malta to go home when Victor is blinded is unexpected; at no point before has she mentioned a romantic interest in Victor, but suddenly, she is prepared to marry him and to look after him. Brittain suggests that she feels a sense of responsibility towards Victor, but there is also the fact that he remembers Roland as fondly as she does. By marrying Victor, she may think she can somehow keep the memory of Roland alive. Brittain’s hope that Victor will marry her demonstrates her belief that love is no longer a possibility for her; hope for love died with Roland, but Brittain believes that fulfilling a duty to a good friend may be all the companionship she needs. 

Edward’s bravery at the Battle of the Somme, which is rewarded with the Military Cross, is unexpected, even to Brittain whose relationship with her brother is remarkably close. Because Edward’s temperament is serene and peaceful, and he is passionate about artistic concerns like his violin and the composition of music, his gallantry is against type. Edward’s courageous performance at the Somme may, however, represent a wartime phenomenon: Sometimes, the least likely person to behave bravely transforms into the most heroic person of them all. This idealistic view of the transformative power of war contributes to the jingoistic notions of wartime heroism plied by the English public school tradition. These traditionally all-male private boarding schools like Uppingham School offered boys like Roland, Edward, and Victor membership in a junior Officer Training Corps; early exposure to military practices encouraged the pursuit of heroism and such rewards for bravery as the Military Cross. A pacifist while writing her autobiography, Brittain is biting in her criticism of this method of cultivating volunteers for the war effort.

Brittain’s relationship to her work as a V.A.D. nurse changes as she faces different professional challenges. As a nurse to the prisoner ward in Étaples, she faces an ethical dilemma when tending to the needs of wounded Germans. Brittain observes other nurses treat the patients well but without kindness, and she follows their example, marveling later at the fact that the German prisoners received just as much attentive care as the English and French men. Brittain becomes aware at this point of the similarities between the German enemy and the men closest to her heart, and her leanings towards pacifism take hold.

As stress, grief, and fatigue begin to take their toll on Brittain, she finds she cannot tolerate her transition from military service to civilian nursing. Her inability to cope with the norms of civilian hospital environments parallel the long-documented inability of soldiers who return from war to adapt well to life at home. In a military environment, priorities are obvious; matters of life and death determine how long and how hard an individual must work. Rest is understood to be essential and whenever possible, restorative breaks take precedence over time-killing tasks. As Brittain discovers, a civilian hospital runs on a superficially-imposed sense of order, and this falsity is impossible for her to bear and she must return to a military hospital to wait out the war.